

Soil selection and soil preparation for planting Luo yang peony

  • Categories:luo yang peony
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  • Time of issue:2022-06-06 15:09
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(Summary description)The horticultural varieties of Luo yang peony are evolved from wild species through long-term natural hybridization and artificial selection. Wild peony has formed unique genetic traits under the environmental conditions of alpine forest edges and forest gaps for a long time.

Soil selection and soil preparation for planting Luo yang peony

(Summary description)The horticultural varieties of Luo yang peony are evolved from wild species through long-term natural hybridization and artificial selection. Wild peony has formed unique genetic traits under the environmental conditions of alpine forest edges and forest gaps for a long time.

  • Categories:luo yang peony
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  • Time of issue:2022-06-06 15:09
  • Views:0

The horticultural varieties of Luo yang peony are evolved from wild species through long-term natural hybridization and artificial selection. Wild peony has formed unique genetic traits under the environmental conditions of alpine forest edges and forest gaps for a long time.

Luo yang peony for houseLuo yang peony should be planted in leeward, sunny, well-drained, deep, and fertile sandy loam soil. If the soil is too sticky and heavy, it should be improved, that is, mix with sand and fully decomposed manure, and then plough 40~50cm deep.
When planting Luo yang peony in areas with more rainfall, it should be made into a raised bed or planted on land with a certain slope to prevent water accumulation and rotten roots. The soil should be neutral and slightly acidic (pH value 6.5~7.5), and the soil that is too acidic and too alkaline is not suitable for the growth of peonies.
Luo yang peony is also suitable for arranging flower borders, flower beds, flower belts, and potted ornamental plants, and its application is more flexible. The root bark of the flower can be used as medicine, and the petals can be used to make wine.
Through the above introduction and analysis of the soil selection and soil preparation for planting Luo yang peony, hope it helps you.


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Add:No.3 Plant, No.2 Workshop, Foshan Tongxin Jewelry Co.,Ltd., Xingxian Section, Shishan Town, Nanhai District,Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R. China


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